Parker Bond Consulting L.L.C.

Our Key Professionals

Andy Parker, President of Parker Bond

Andy is our leading technical specialist, team leader, and the firm owner.  A CPA (licensed in the State of Texas) and well-known advisor in this field, Andy has served as supervising or consulting specialist to hundreds of issuers and conduit borrowers throughout the nation.  He joined a predecessor firm to Deloitte Tax LLP (“Deloitte”) in 1982, after graduating from Rice University with bachelor’s and master’s degrees.  Over the next several years, Andy obtained a broad-based tax background, giving him an excellent foundation in general tax principles prior to turning to the tax-exempt bond field.  He is an associate member of the National Association of Bond Lawyers (“NABL”), and on several occasions has led discussion groups concerning arbitrage issues at NABL conferences.  For several years, he assisted the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as a contributor to its annual Audit Risk Alert for State and Local Governmental Developments.  Andy also once authored a tax guidebook for the Government Finance Officers Association.  Andy pioneered Deloitte’s bond services practice in 1987, and directed it until late 2011 when Deloitte exited that business and Parker Bond was founded.  Years of experience with virtually every type of tax-exempt debt, combined with a strong general tax background, make Andy capable of solving virtually any post-issuance compliance problem you may have.